What our patients say about us!

"I have been to Optimal Chrio-Rehab Center many times as they are amazing at working with athletes and others who put a lot of wear and tear on their bodies. From cupping and acupuncture to stretching and finally adjustment, I go see Dr. Tran and Dr. Moon to help me my body stay in the best shape possible. I would definitely go see them for treatment!"

Wade Vande Molen (02/2020)

"My family and I have been going to Optimal Chiro-Rehab for many years. I really noticed a immediate benefit of the cupping, acupuncture and chiropractic adjustment treatments I was receiving and how much better my body felt after a treatment that I started sending my entire family. Our family is very active and the treatments we receive help our bodies maintain that active lifestyle. Dr. Tran and Dr. Moon are both extremely knowledgeable and I wish I would have found someone like them when I was in my 20s."

Ryan M. (02/2020)

"Dr. Tran has been my chiropractor for many years. He has not only helped me but has helped my friends-friends [that] I recommended [to] see him. A number of years ago, Dr. Tran was able to help my son avoid back surgery. On August 7, 2012, my lower back began hurting. By the next morning, I was in such pain I could not walk without crying. I called Dr.Tran's office and made my first visit on August 8th. I managed the treatment. I was still in considerable pain but with two more treatments I was able to walk comfortably and able to move enough to function. Today August 12th is my fourth treatment, I can walk, get in the car comfortably, and have returned to work. My friends are astonished to see such quick recovery--- especially given the severe and debilitating pain I was in just 4 days ago. Dr. Tran's treatments are effective. In addition, he cares about his patients and will do all he can to help them heal and remain healthy and free of pain."

- Jeanette S.

Back Pain

I did not become unhealthy all of a sudden, it happened day after day of neglect. Recent months Dr. Tran's chiropractic care, and rigorous physical therapy and exercise have increased my stamina, reduced all the back pain I'd been experiencing. It has also motivated me to take action in other areas of my life. If I can achieve results in my physical being--an area I have never excelled at-- I can achieve results in any area.

Marlene S. (2/14/2009)

Shoulder Pain

My left shoulder injury began October 2005 after lifting and moving heavy boxes. After two months, the pain remained and my range of motion had greatly diminished. I saw an orthopedic doctor who gave me a cortisone injection just to move my shoulder. After 2 months of Physical Therapy there was minor improvement. I began my treatment with Dr. Tran February 28, 2006 and after 2 ½ months of acupuncture, chiropractic, and strengthening exercises, I have achieved pain free full range of motion in my left shoulder. During my entire treatment I have avoided medication, including any pain relieving medicines despite the fact that simple arm movements could cause significant discomfort. During the 4 months of greatest pain, I minimized the use of my left arm resulting in diminished range of motion. My sister-in-law recommended this office and I owe her my sincere gratitude (and a dinner out). I have and will continue to recommend Dr. Tran to anyone with muscular/skeletal issues or seeking to improve quality of life issues through alternative medical methods.

Safeiah A.

Knee Pain


Neck/Shoulder Stiffness

I never had any intention to see a chiropractor let alone receive acupuncture and cupping. My wife was seeing Dr. Tran for issues with her back and was receiving acupuncture, cupping, and adjustments. She would come home from cupping treatments and my 8-year old daughter and I joked that she was an alien because of the circles that the cupping left on her back. 

Around this time I was experiencing neck and shoulder stiffness and I could not raise my left arm above my head without having pain. This was also when Dr. Tran had his one year anniversary and offered family members of patients a free visit (massage and other treatment).  I thought I could fix the pain in my shoulder myself through exercises that I was doing. I considered myself to be physically active through cycling, running, and weight training (Nautilus equipment and free weights).

I went and used the free visit. I received massage, which was great, and cupping and acupuncture, which were very different.  I decided to take a leap of faith and continued these treatments.  My neck and shoulder stiffness have subsided and only returns occasionally on a very stressful day.  My shoulder pain is gone and mobility has improved greatly. 

I am near the end of Phase 3 of the program that Dr. Tran mapped out for me, which is heavily made up of core strengthening exercises.  I feel stronger and more flexible than I have in years.  I plan to continue these exercises so I can keep up with my 8 year old.  Dr. Tran and his staff and other clients have been great and a joy to work with.  I think Dr. Tran truly cares about the health of his patients.  I have recommended his practice to others who have seen the value of his care and treatment.  My wife will tell you, I am now a believer in chiro, cupping, and acupuncture.

Ray S.

Auto Accident

I came to Dr. Tran because of a car accident. I had lots of pain in my lower back and neck/shoulder area. As I followed his instructions, by doing the acupuncture, chiropractic, cupping AND physical therapy, I felt so much better and the pain went away tremendously!

I continue to do all my PT exercises and move on to the phases to continue the pain relief and make my body stronger.

I am so thankful to him and the whole staff at Optimal Chiro-Rehab Center! They are all so friendly, helpful and wonderful!!

Mary (3/9/2010)

Foot and Back Pain

I have been under the care of Dr. Nguyen Tran since July 2009. Thanks to Dr. Tran I feel like a new person with very little pain and lots of energy. His treatment of acupuncture, cupping, spinal adjustments and physical therapy has changed my life and given me more vitality. He is very different from most Chiropractors who only do adjustments. He provides physical therapy as well so you will learn exercises to strengthen your muscles and spine. This program will provide you with an exercise plan you can follow throughout your life time in order to improve your long-term health. I would have never dreamed in a million years that I could reach this point of being able to correct my posture, improve my foot and back pain and live a healthier and happier life. Several weeks ago, I came down with the flu and needed special treatment. I felt it helped me recover quickly and without pain. Dr. Tran is a very kind and committed professional. His approach is to work with the total person so he is extremely knowledgeable about how the body works. I have been to several chiropractors  and physical therapists but none has ever compared to the work of Dr. Tran. His office staff and physical therapists are the most friendly and caring group I have ever known in any doctor's office. They all work well together as a team. Since I go so often, I feel like it is my second home!

Christine S. (12/18/2009)

Sciatic/Hip Pain

The first time I walked into Dr. Tran's office I felt like I was 100 years old, when in reality I was 55. I was in pain from arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica which ran down my legs into my ankles.

During my first visit, Dr. Tran and I discussed my pain and then he explained how the spine works, how the neurons run through the body and he talked about the proposed treatment which included chiropractics, acupuncture, and cupping.

I never imagined that after my first treatment I would walk out of the office practically pain free! The terrible pain in my legs was gone and when I returned home I actually ran up my front steps. I no longer felt like I was 100 and instead felt at least 10 years younger than my actual age. That weekend my husband and I went shopping at the mall, an activity I used to take for granted but hadn't been able to do for months due to the pain in my legs.

When talking with my family and friends I refer to Dr. Tran as my "miracle man" because he is the man who got me back into living my life instead of watching it pass me by.

Betty D. (6/12/2009)

Headaches & Immune System

I started seeing Dr. Tran in September 2008 for treatment to boost my immune system to fight the Epstein Barr Virus. Dr. Tran has been just wonderful in helping me improve my health and boost my spirits during this time. He has worked to build my strength by starting me on an exercise program to assist in my recovery.

A real bonus and what I consider miraculous has been the treatment Dr. Tran has given me to help with my migraine headaches. I have had migraines for more than 30 years and always thought of trying acupuncture, but never got around to it. I tried many things, medication, muscle release techniques, heat/cold, many things--none of which helped much at all. My headaches would last 3-4 days and basically I would be in bed for most of that time. While treating me for the virus, I had Dr. Tran treat my headaches and found that he could basically cure my headache with one or two treatments. That is just such a relief to me and gives me that part of my life back.

Dr. Tran is very positive and knowledgeable and has encouraged me to be patients and believe that I will return to good health.

I would recommend Dr. Tran to anyone for treatment for many conditions for which acupuncture and chiropractic are very successful.

Sandy L.

General Wellness

I am a physically active 60- year old who came to Optimal Chiro-Rehab Center not for relief of specific pain, but for a long term approach to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle for many a year to come.

I entered into a one year plan, and have recently completed the intensive 16 week phase that involved three appointments per week. I was treated with cupping, light therapy, chiropractic adjustments of neck and lower spine, a stretching and exercise program, and walking/running on a treadmill. Additionally, I had an occasional massage. I cannot say which of those aspects of the treatment were responsible for my progress, but I can say the result so far has been a noticeable improvement in my strength and general balance, and some increase in flexibility, especially in the hamstrings.

As in many things in life, I feel that what you get out of the program is largely dependent on what you put into it. It is not a matter of going to the office, getting a "treatment", and then feeling better. It takes work and regular attendance to appointments. And at the next stage of treatment, I realize the importance of maintaining a home exercise program.

In closing, I want to mention what I consider to be the "X-Factor" at the clinic. I feel that, without exception, the staff truly care about me and my health. It is like having another family.

Bill A.

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Dr. Nguyen Tran

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Optimal Chiro-Rehab Center


8303 Arlington Blvd Suite 202,
Fairfax, VA 22031


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

